Screen time has become part of the fabric of everyday life for most.
And many do not realize just how much time they are dedicating to phone screens, computer screens, and TV screens.
With that in mind, we’ll explore the latest screen time data to reveal insights focused on these areas:
- Globally, people average 6 hours and 58 minutes of screen time per day.
- Daily screen time has increased by nearly 50 minutes per day since 2013.
- The average American spends 7 hours and 4 minutes looking at a screen each day.
- South Africans spend 10 hours and 46 minutes on screen per day.
- Almost half (49%) of 0 to 2-year-olds interact with smartphones.
- Gen Z averages around 9 hours of screen time per day.
Remarks from Veta:
This is a topic that is much discussed at the office. It’s hard to let go of the screen, especially for the children and it has become an natural part of most peoples daily life. We often ask ourselves – Is this something we really wanted? This this just happened as a result of innovations? What are the impact on society and on individuals to spend this much time in something that isn’t real. How do we relate to the questions that what happens online feels real to many people, is it a part of our reality now?
We promise you much more on this topic soon.